Monday, March 10, 2008

NXNE The Antidote

Today's 100 word story is a little verse for all those at Utterz who didn't go to SXSW this week.

The story is entitled NXNE (North by North East) The Antidote, Enjoy!

With diminishing hopes and racing thoughts Sally neared the bakery door, she peered into the darkened kitchen with hopes of seeing someone, someone who would sell her a cake.

Sally was near tears and about to decompose into a heap right there on main street when she noticed an envelop taped to the door, it just said Sally. Reaching out with her shaking hand opening the envelop she read the contents.

Dear Sally, Sorry we closed early please join us at NXNE (north by north east) the antidote for all those left behind. Sally then knew that not going to SXSW (south by south west) was really ok.

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